For Westermill Consideration Only
Horses — Current T&C

Outdoor Corrals ONLY

  • Please ensure that you bring all necessaries to safely corral your horse(s)

  • The areas that you corral your horses/ponies in must also be left as you found it – all droppings, hay and waste feed must be removed

Horses — Proposed T&C

Horse Corrals

  • Outdoor Corrals ONLY

Permission and Registration

  • Obtain permission from the campsite management before corraling your horse. Register your horse with the campsite office upon arrival.

Corral Safety

  • All corrals must be secure and well-maintained. Fencing should be a minimum of 1.5 meters in height and free from sharp edges or protrusions.

Space Requirements

  • Each horse must have at least 12 square meters of space within the corral to ensure they can move comfortably.

Shelter Provision

  • Adequate shelter must be provided to protect horses from adverse weather conditions. This can include natural shade or man-made structures.

Feeding and Watering

  • Fresh water must be available at all times. Horses should be fed a suitable diet, and feeding areas should be kept clean and free from contamination.

Health and Vaccinations

  • Horses must be vaccinated against common equine diseases and be free from contagious conditions. Owners must provide proof of vaccination and health status.

Manure Management

  • Owners are responsible for regularly removing manure from corrals and disposing of it in designated areas to maintain cleanliness and prevent odor.

Supervision and Care

  • Horses should not be left unattended for extended periods. Regular checks must be conducted to ensure the well-being of the horses.

Riding Areas

  • Use only designated areas for riding to prevent damage to the campsite and ensure the safety of all guests.

Insurance Requirement

  • Horse owners must have liability insurance covering any damage or injury caused by their horses. Proof of insurance must be provided to campsite management.

Emergency Procedures

  • Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures of the campsite, including the location of the nearest veterinarian and contact numbers for emergency services.
Horse Guidelines — the following used to draft the above

When corraling horses by their owners on campsites in the UK, it is essential to adhere to both legal guidelines and best practices to ensure the safety and welfare of the animals, as well as the comfort and safety of other campers. Here are the key legal guidelines and recommendations:

Legal Guidelines

Animal Welfare Act 2006

  • Duty of Care: Owners have a legal duty to ensure that the welfare needs of their horses are met. This includes providing a suitable environment, a suitable diet, the ability to exhibit normal behavior patterns, housing with or apart from other animals, and protection from pain, suffering, injury, and disease .

Control of Horses Act 2015

  • Fly-Grazing: This act addresses issues related to fly-grazing, which is the unlawful grazing of horses on private land without permission. While it primarily targets illegal grazing, it underscores the importance of having permission to corral horses on campsites and ensuring that they do not stray .

The Equine Identification (England) Regulations 2018

  • Horse Passports: Horses must have a valid passport that records the owner’s details and vaccination history. This helps in ensuring traceability and managing disease control.

The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006

  • Transport Requirements: This regulation sets out requirements for the transportation of horses, ensuring they are fit for transport and handled in a way that does not cause injury or unnecessary suffering .
Best Practices for Campsites

Secure Corrals

  • Ensure that corrals are secure, well-maintained, and free from hazards. Fencing should be sturdy and of sufficient height to prevent horses from escaping.

Space and Shelter

  • Provide adequate space for each horse to move around freely and lie down. Ensure there is access to shelter to protect them from extreme weather conditions.

Feeding and Watering

  • Provide a continuous supply of fresh water and appropriate feed. Ensure feed and water containers are clean and accessible.

Health and Vaccinations

  • Require that all horses have up-to-date vaccinations and are free from infectious diseases. Implement a protocol for health checks upon arrival.

Waste Management

  • Implement a system for the regular removal and disposal of manure to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of disease.


  • Ensure that horses are regularly checked and that there is a system in place for reporting and dealing with any issues that arise.

Riding and Exercise Areas

  • Designate specific areas for riding and exercising horses to prevent damage to the campsite and ensure the safety of other guests.


  • Require proof of liability insurance from horse owners to cover any potential damage or injury caused by their horses.

By following these guidelines, campsite owners and horse owners can ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all guests. It is important to clearly communicate these rules to all guests and ensure compliance to maintain a high standard of safety and welfare. For more detailed information and resources, refer to the British Horse Society and the UK Government’s guidelines on animal welfare.