Campsite Terms and Conditions

Westermill Farm Campsite 2025

Terms and Conditions

A Family / Group Booking Form

A group of families travelling together are requested to make a separate booking for each family.

A group of friends travelling together are requested to make a separate booking for each group of friends.

Each booking must have one adult.

Terms and Conditions: Indexed
Terms and Conditions: Long Form
Fees Per Night
  1. Adults £ 12.50
  2. Children £ 5.00
  3. Motor vehicles £ 3.00
    • Cars, Camper Vans, Transit Vans, Recreational Vehicles [RVs] and Motorcycles — count
    • Tent trailers, caravans and electric bikes — do not count
  4. Dogs £ 3.00
  5. Horses £ 12.00
Arrival and Departure

We ask that you schedule your arrival for no later than 8 PM

  • Please text Oliver … 07970 594 808 … if you are going to be later than 8 PM

We ask that you schedule your departure for no later than 5 PM

Check In

ALL vehicle drivers must stop in at Reception before proceeding to the campsite.

IF a Receptionist is not available please leave us a note — first name, last name, licence plate number — alerting us to your arrival and then go through and pitch up in any of the 4 camping fields and return later to Check In personally.

There is a Campsite Diagram poster in Reception, should you need or want to familiarize yourself with the campsite, or you can click on this link Campsite Diagram

Keep in mind that the fire pits are located in the Fourth Field.

Westermill Farm window stickers — which are available at Reception — should be displayed on all vehicles parked at Westermill overnight.

Payment Options

United Kingdom [UK]

We prefer online bookings made from within the UK should be paid IN FULL before arrival.

For UK residents we much prefer payment by BACS — because of its security and utility — and minimal expense to our campers and ourselves.

UK residents who choose to Pay Upon Arrival are kindly asked to mention that in the Comments section at the end of the Online Booking Form — please keep in mind that we do not process credit cards — we accept (current) British Banknotes, Euro Banknotes or BACS — only!

Details for BACS:

  • Name:   Westermill Farm Holidays Ltd.
  • Sort Code:  30-90-49
  • Account No:  44493460

Details for cheques:

  • Please make cheques payable to: Westermill Farm Holidays Ltd.

Please include your family name and Booking Reference Number in all communications.

European Union [EU] and Overseas

Visitors from outside the UK who choose to Pay Upon Arrival are kindly asked to mention that in the Comments section at the end of the Online Booking Form — please keep in mind that we do not process credit cards — we accept (current) British Banknotes, Euro Banknotes or BACS — only!

Previous European visitors have reported that using IBAN or BIC is extremely expensive!

Ø is the number “zero”.

IBAN: GBØ2LOYD3Ø9Ø494449346Ø


Please include your family name and Booking Reference Number in all communications.

Non-Refundable Deposit

There will be a non-refundable deposit for all online booking payments, amounting to either…

  • £25 or…

  • …the balance, if the total booking fee is less than £25

  • The non-refundable deposit may be applied to an alternate camping visit anytime until the end of October in the current year’s camping season.

  • However: IF you are at all uncertain about your ‘booking dates’, or your ‘party numbers’, or ‘the weather’, simply mention in the “Comments” section at the end of the online booking form that you would prefer to “pay on arrival.” Cash or BACS onlyPlease and Thank You! — and no financial “otherwise” if you do not.

  • Last and not least… you are more than welcome to simply “turn up” — Westermill will find space for you. Just remember — Cash or BACS only! — Oh, yes: you will still have to fill in the required booking data when you arrive… […might be easier to do it online at home, so that it is done, whether or not you get here?]

Alteration by the Client

If your party wants to alter your visit, please inform us as soon as possible.

Changes to the number of visitors or dates of arrival and/or departure will be accommodated.

Monies owed due to increased participant numbers, number of vehicles, etc. may be paid either before or upon arrival – please keep in mind that Westermill Farm does not process credit card transactions.

Monies to be refunded due to decreased participant numbers will be made available upon the earliest bank business day after arrival via BACS to a designated recipient — taking into account the Non-refundable Deposit policy above.

Cancellation by the Client

If you have to cancel your visit, please inform us as soon as possible, so that we can be as accommodating as possible.

All monies which have been paid, excluding the non-refundable deposit, will be returned.

The non-refundable deposit may be applied to an alternate camping visit anytime until the end of October in the current year’s camping season.

Interruption of Service

In the event of your camping pitch becoming unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control — such as a mandated “local lockdown” which affects Westermill Farm — a refund of all monies paid, less a £5 handling charge, will be made by Westermill Farm.

In the event of your camping pitch becoming unavailable due to circumstances within our control — a refund of ALL monies paid will be made by Westermill Farm.

Responsibility for Personal Injury

The Edwards family cannot accept responsibility for personal injury to clients or their guests — howsoever caused by the client, members of their party or other visitors to Westermill Farm.

Responsibility for Client’s Property

The Edwards family cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to client’s or guest’s personal property — including damage to vehicles, horse boxes or trailers parked at Westermill Farm — howsoever caused by the client, members of their party or other visitors to Westermill Farm.

Recycling and Rubbish

Westermill Farm cannot accept any container (bag or box) holding a mixture of materials — this is our definition of “rubbish” and as such must be removed by the camper(s) — or sorted by material and placed into the appropriate container to be recycled … which seems much easier (for all of us).

Westermill provides a recycling area — see Campsite Diagram which accepts:

  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Cans
  • Glass
  • Food waste

Westermill provides specialised receptacles for dog waste — see Campsite Diagram

Please take broken camping equipment eg. chairs, tents, gazebos, etc. to your local recycling facility or the nearest facility to Westermill Farm: Minehead Recycling Centre

Operating Standards

Westermill Farm endeavours to maintain high standards of cleanliness at all times.

Naturally, we ask everyone to help keep the site clean and tidy.

We ask everyone who uses the loo and shower blocks to help keep them clean and tidy and to kindly report anything they feel is out of order.


Children must always have appropriate supervision while on the farm.

We are parents ourselves and know full well how “adventurous” children can be, and how difficult it is to supervise them on holiday — what we ask is that you do your best to assure the safety of others in a manner equal to the security you wish to provide for your own children.



All Road Traffic Act regulations apply on all areas of the farm.

We are a working farm and a family campsite: Please drive slowly at all times — Thank you.

Also — please walk to the First Field Shower and Loo Block.

Fire Use Guidelines

Open flame constitutes a hazard that always carries the risk of serious injury!

Please pay utmost attention to the safety of yourself and others!

In-ground Fire Pits are located in the Fourth Field, see the Campsite Diagram.

Portable Fire Systems are permitted in ALL camping fields — First, Second, Third and Fourth, see the Campsite Diagram — subject to the conditions outlined below.

For our purposes, the term “Portable Fire Systems” refers to barbecues, portable stoves, ovens, and braziers. In short, any portable containment system specially designed for holding a fire.

General Guidelines for Using In-Ground Fire Pits,
Barbecues, Portable Braziers, Stoves, and Ovens

For your safety and the enjoyment of all campers, please keep in mind the following guidelines when using in-ground fire pits, barbecues, portable braziers, stoves, and ovens.

Location and Setup:

  • In-ground Fire Pits are located in the Fourth Field, see the Campsite Diagram.
  • Under NO circumstances dig your own fire pit!
  • Only use fire pits, barbecues, braziers, stoves, and ovens in designated areas.
  • Ensure the equipment is placed on a stable, non-flammable surface, away from tents, vehicles, and flammable materials.
  • Avoid setting up under overhanging branches or near dry grass.

Lighting Fires:

  • Use only approved fire starters or kindling.
  • Do not use petrol, paraffin, or other accelerants.
  • Ensure a responsible adult is present at all times when using any fire-related equipment.

Fire Control:

  • Keep fires and flames small and manageable.
  • Have a bucket of water, sand, or a fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Never leave any fire, barbecue, brazier, stove, or oven unattended.
  • Extinguish all flames completely before leaving the area.

Smoke and Flames:

  • Be mindful of wind direction to prevent smoke from bothering other campers.
  • Do not burn materials that produce harmful fumes or excessive smoke.

Children and Pets:

  • Keep children and pets at a safe distance from fire pits, barbecues, braziers, stoves, and ovens.
  • Educate children about the dangers of fire and the importance of fire safety.
Noise and Respect

Noise Control:

  • Respect the campsite’s noise curfew (e.g., no noise after 11 PM). Keep noise to a minimum, especially later at night.
  • Avoid loud conversations, music, or gatherings around fire pits, barbecues, braziers, stoves, and ovens later at night.

Consideration for Others:

  • Be mindful of other campers’ comfort and safety.
  • Keep the area around your fire pit, barbecue, brazier, stove, or oven clean and tidy.
  • Dispose of all waste properly.
Emergency Procedures

In Case of Fire:

  • Use the nearest fire extinguisher, water bucket, or sand to extinguish small fires.
  • If a fire becomes uncontrollable, evacuate the area immediately and contact campsite staff or emergency services.

First Aid:

  • In case of burns or injuries, seek first aid immediately.
  • Contact campsite staff for assistance and access to first aid supplies.
Specific Guidelines for In-Ground Fire Pits


  • In-ground Fire Pits are located in the Fourth Field, see the Campsite Diagram.
  • Under NO circumstances dig your own fire pit!
  • Clear the area around the fire pit of any flammable materials, such as leaves, twigs, or dry grass.
  • Use only seasoned wood or approved firewood.
  • Do not burn rubbish, plastics, or treated wood.

During Use:

  • Never leave fire pits unattended while burning.
  • Keep fires within the confines of the fire pit.
  • Do NOT allow flames to exceed 3 feet in height.
  • Use a fire screen or mesh cover to contain sparks and embers — if available.

Extinguishing Fires:

  • Allow fires to burn down naturally if possible.
  • Extinguish any remaining embers with water, stirring to ensure all parts are soaked.
  • Ensure the fire pit is cool to the touch before leaving the area or going to sleep.

Disposal of Ashes:

  • Once cool to the touch, dispose of ashes in designated metal containers.
  • Do not dispose of hot ashes in wheelie bins or on the ground.
Specific Guidelines for Barbecues

Charcoal Barbecues:

  • Use only the necessary amount of charcoal (usually around 5 cm or 2 inches deep).
  • Allow coals to burn down to a grey ash before cooking to avoid excessive smoke.

Gas Barbecues:

  • Store gas cylinders away from direct sunlight and frost.
  • Ensure all gas connections are secure and check for leaks using soapy water before use.
  • Turn off the gas supply before disconnecting the gas cylinder.

Disposable Barbecues:

  • Place disposable barbecues on non-flammable surfaces, such as gravel or sand, and never directly on the grass.
  • Allow disposable barbecues to cool completely before disposal. Dispose of them in designated metal bins.

Cooking Safety:

  • Never leave barbecues unattended while cooking.
  • Ensure food is cooked thoroughly to avoid foodborne illnesses.
  • Keep a safe distance from the barbecue to avoid burns and splatters.
Specific Guidelines for Portable Braziers, Stoves, and Ovens

Setup and Use:

  • Set up portable braziers, stoves, and ovens on stable, non-flammable surfaces.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe setup and use.
  • Ensure proper ventilation to avoid carbon monoxide buildup.


  • Use only the recommended fuel types for your brazier, stove, or oven.
  • Do not overfill fuel containers and keep fuel away from open flames.

Cooking Safety:

  • Monitor food while cooking to prevent burns and fires.
  • Keep children and pets away from the cooking area.
  • Use heat-resistant gloves and tools to handle hot equipment.

Horse Corrals

  • Outdoor Corrals ONLY
  • Outdoor Corrals can be installed in Upper Thricelet along the north side of the fence dividing the Fourth Field, see — Campsite Diagram

Corral Safety

  • All corrals must be secure and well-maintained. Fencing should be a minimum of 1.5 meters in height and free from sharp edges or protrusions.

Space Requirements

  • Each horse must have at least 12 square meters of space within the corral to ensure they can move comfortably.

Shelter Provision

  • Adequate shelter must be provided to protect horses from adverse weather conditions. This can include natural shade or man-made structures.
  • Given the variable climate on Exmoor, especially regarding rainfall … “adequate shelter” may prove problematic, your best efforts will be appreciated.

Feeding and Watering

  • Fresh water must be available at all times. Horses should be fed a suitable diet, and feeding areas should be kept clean and free from contamination.

Health and Vaccinations

  • Horses must be vaccinated against common equine diseases and be free from contagious conditions. Owners may be asked to provide proof of vaccination and health status, so, please have such documentation available.

Manure Management

  • Owners are responsible for regularly removing manure from corrals and disposing of it in designated areas to maintain cleanliness and prevent odor.

Supervision and Care

  • Horses should not be left unattended for extended periods. Regular checks must be conducted to ensure the well-being of the horses.

Riding Areas

  • Riding horses anywhere on Westermill Farm is strictly prohibited without express prior approval from Jill or Oliver Edwards!
  • Naturally you may walk your horse(s) between your trailers and corrals … but while doing so … please pay particular attention to curious onlookers — especially children.

Insurance Requirement

  • Horse owners must have liability insurance covering any damage or injury caused by their horses. Proof of insurance may be requested … so, please have such documentation available.

Emergency Procedures

  • Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures of the campsite, including the location of the nearest veterinarian and contact numbers for emergency services.

First and Foremost

  • Dogs must be under control at all times — wherever they are on Westermill Farm.


  • Dogs must wear a collar with the name and address of the owner inscribed on it or on a tag attached to it (Control of Dogs Order 1992).


  • Dogs must not display aggressive behaviour towards other guests or animals. Any such incidents must be reported to the Westermill Campsite management immediately.
  • Westermill Campsite reserves the right to mandate the removal of pets deemed to be a nuisance or threat to other guests or their pets.

Leash Requirements

  • Within Westermill Campsite:
    • Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times within the campsite, see — Campsite Diagram
  • Beyond Westermill Campsite:
    • In fields with no livestock dogs may be off leash so long as they are under their owner’s control.
    • In fields with livestock dogs must be on leash.
    • In fields with cattle dogs must be on a leash BUT release your dog if you are chased by cattle.


    • Dogs must not be left unattended at any time.

Noise Control

    • Ensure that dogs do not cause excessive noise.
    • Persistent barking will not be tolerated and will result in removal the dog from Westermill Campsite.

Clean Up

    • Owners must clean up after their dogs immediately and dispose of waste (Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005) for which Westermill Campsite provides specialised bins: see — Campsite Diagram: Dog Waste Bins

Health and Safety

    • All dogs must be up-to-date with vaccinations and free from parasites.
    • Proof of vaccination may be requested.

Restricted Areas

    • Dogs are not allowed in loo and shower blocks on the campsite nor any Westermill Farm buildings elsewhere.

At Westermill Farm we have a variety of animals: geese, chickens, dogs, cats, sheep and cows. They more or less all get along with one another like a happy family — please respect any farm animal you meet and ensure that both your safety and theirs remains paramount when you interact with them.


Westermill Farm is a quiet — family campsite — so we ask for NO NOISE after 11 PM.

If you wish to listen to music, sports or other audio broadcasts — that is well and good — but IF others can hear them — then it is not.

In general — please keep sound to a minimum: Thanks.

No Smoking
  • There is NO SMOKING allowed inside ANY buildings on the farm!

Ropes and Swings
  • Please do not attach any ropes to our trees for the purposes of climbing or swinging.

Fishing — rod and reel or net
  • Fishing with rod and reel on the River Exe within Westermill Farm’s property boundaries is available.

  • Prior approval from Westermill Farm is required for fishing with a rod and reel on our reaches of the River Exe.

  • Children are welcome to fish with a net — please make certain appropriate supervision is in place.

  • The flying of drones strictly prohibited without prior approval from Westermill Farm.

  • The flying of drones is limited to drone pilots with CAA certification.

    • CAA certification to be verified by Westermill Farm prior to flight.

  • The details of drone flights must be confirmed by Westermill Farm prior to flight:

    • GPS location (center)
    • areal extent
    • altitude
    • time of day
    • duration of flight

ALL flight telemetry and visual data must be released immediately to Westermill Farm without charge or constraint of copyright.

Metal Detecting
  • IF you wish to metal detect you must obtain prior approval from Westermill Farm.

  • ALL metals recovered must be made available for inspection by Westermill Farm.

  • Without hindrance or let you agree to share 50% of any findings with Westermill Farm, pursuant to an independent third party valuation.

  • The following details of an undertaking must be confirmed by Westermill Farm prior to detecting.

    • GPS location (center)
    • areal extent
    • time of day
    • duration
  • You agree that you are fully responsible for your activities whilst using the internet service provided by Westermill Farm and that the provision of this service is a privilege and not a right.

  • You also agree not to engage in any unlawful activity whilst using Westermill Farm Wi-Fi.

  • You respect the privacy and security of other users on our networks.

  • You understand and accept that we do not guarantee privacy, security or access to Westermill’s Wi-Fi network.

Disruptive Behaviour

Westermill Farm reserves the right to require people to vacate the site if it has been determined they have been, or are, exhibiting disruptive behaviour.

Charges for Damage

Westermill Farm reserves the right to charge for any non-trivial damage to Westermill Farm property howsoever caused.


For the future…

Due to the inherent unpredictability of Covid-19 and the attendant government guidelines which of necessity may come into force, we can only state:

“Westermill Farm shall adhere to central government advice and requirements of the day, do our utmost to advise campers regarding those which apply to Westermill Campsite and require all campers to follow such advice and guidelines as stipulated.”

Breach of Conditions

A breach of our Terms and Conditions may result in the loss of your visiting privileges.