TEST Fire Waiver Assessment

For Westermill Consideration Only
Fire Waiver Assessment

Having campers sign a waiver can help mitigate the insurance liability exposure of a UK campsite that permits portable barbecues and has in-ground fire pits, but it is not a complete solution. Here are the key points to consider:

Effectiveness of Waivers

  1. Legal Enforceability:
    • Waivers can be legally enforceable, but their effectiveness depends on how well they are drafted and whether they meet legal standards. The waiver must be clear, comprehensive, and specific about the risks involved.
    • In the UK, a waiver cannot exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence. Under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, any attempt to limit liability for such harm is likely to be considered void.
  2. Clear Communication:
    • The waiver should clearly explain the risks associated with using portable barbecues and in-ground fire pits. It should also outline the safety measures in place and the responsibilities of the campers.
    • Ensure that campers understand what they are signing. This includes providing the waiver in clear, understandable language and allowing campers to ask questions if needed.
  3. Voluntary Agreement:
    • Campers must voluntarily agree to the terms of the waiver without any coercion. They should be given sufficient time to read and understand the waiver before signing.

Limitations of Waivers

  1. Negligence:
    • A waiver cannot protect the campsite from claims related to its own negligence. If an injury is caused by the campsite’s failure to maintain equipment properly or to enforce safety rules, the waiver is unlikely to provide protection.
  2. Duty of Care:
    • The campsite has a duty of care to provide a safe environment for campers. Waivers do not absolve the campsite of this responsibility. Proper safety measures, regular inspections, and staff training are essential to fulfill this duty.

Risk Management Practices

To effectively mitigate liability exposure, the campsite should implement robust risk management practices in addition to using waivers:

  1. Safety Guidelines:
    • Provide clear, written guidelines on the safe use of portable barbecues and in-ground fire pits. Ensure that these guidelines are easily accessible to all campers.
  2. Designated Areas:
    • Designate specific areas for barbecues and fire pits that are away from tents and other flammable materials. Equip these areas with fire safety equipment such as extinguishers and water buckets.
  3. Regular Inspections:
    • Conduct regular inspections to ensure that fire pits and barbecue areas are maintained and comply with safety standards.
  4. Staff Training:
    • Train staff in fire safety and first aid. Ensure they supervise the use of barbecues and fire pits when necessary.
  5. Signage:
    • Place clear signage around the campsite indicating the locations of fire pits, designated barbecue areas, and safety instructions.
  6. Emergency Procedures:
    • Establish and communicate clear emergency procedures for dealing with fires and injuries, including evacuation plans and contact details for emergency services.

Insurance Coverage

  1. Public Liability Insurance:
    • Ensure the campsite has adequate public liability insurance to cover claims for injuries or property damage caused by barbecues and fire pits.
  2. Review Policy Terms:
    • Regularly review the terms of the insurance policy to ensure it covers all relevant activities and risks. Consult with insurance professionals to address any gaps in coverage.


While waivers can help mitigate some liability risks, they are not a complete solution. The campsite must also implement comprehensive safety measures and maintain adequate insurance coverage. By combining waivers with strong risk management practices and proper insurance, the campsite can better protect itself from liability exposure.