Garden Guide
- 1 Mission and Vision Statements
- 2 The Inglewood Community Garden and COVID-19
- 3 Well… here we are
- 4 The Neighbourhood
- 5 Procedures in the Garden
- 6 Supporting the Garden – Contributing Your Time
- 7 Maintenance of the Garden
- 8 Rentals in the Garden
- 9 Renting in the Rental Garden
- 10 Safety and Well Being in the Garden
- 11 Infrastructure in the Garden
- 11.1 The Rental Garden and Communal Garden are One Garden
- 11.2 The Rental Garden
- 11.3 The Communal Garden
- 11.4 Ancillary Beds
- 11.5 Garden Gates
- 11.6 Garden Buildings
- 11.7 Water in the Garden
- 11.8 Water in the Rental Garden
- 11.9 Water in the Communal Garden
- 11.10 Maintenance Shed
- 11.11 Storage Shed
- 11.12 Communal Garden Shed
- 11.13 Greenhouses
- 11.14 Tool Shed
- 11.15 Mulch Store and Bulk Drop-off
- 11.16 Porta-Potty
- 12 Where to find more information
- 13 Acknowledgements
Mission and Vision Statements
The Inglewood Community Garden Mission Statement
To provide an organic garden to cultivate plants, build community and share our resources.
The Inglewood Community Garden Vision Statement
We will be widely recognized as a vibrant, welcoming, all-inclusive society. We will engage the community through gardening to create a sense of harmony, pride and ownership. We will be financially, organizationally and environmentally sustainable.
The Inglewood Community Garden and COVID-19
Due to the uncertainties involved around COVID-19 we will be finalizing any additional health related requirements closer to the opening of the Garden and will be communicating them to returning gardeners and new gardener applicants by email as well as posting them to our website and social media platforms.
Well… here we are
A Brief History
- Victoria Park Gardens established in Victoria Park circa 1995
- Victoria Park Gardens relocates to Inglewood in 2003
- The Garden Path Society of Calgary (GPS) registered as a non-profit organisation in 2003
- The GPS expands, almost doubling its size in 2007, and inaugurates a co-operative gardening program on the newly acquired land
- The GPS celebrates the Tenth Anniversary of its presence in Inglewood in 2013
- In recognition of its close ties to the neigbourhood that the garden lives in, it renames itself: The Inglewood Community Garden
The following document is intended to present new gardeners an introduction and experienced gardeners a reference.
IF this document does not provide the information or explanation you are looking for please drop us a line at
The Neighbourhood

The Neighbours
Homeowners to the east and west are the garden’s residential neighbours.
There are two elementary schools to the north Colonel Walker Community and Piitoayis Family Schools.
The Slovenian Canadian Club and Inglewood Community Association are to the south.
There are two lovely greenswards adjacent the garden — to the north a school playground and to the south, Parks Calgary.
There are useful dog walking parks to the north-west.
The Garden’s contact information and a Google map of its location may be found at this link:
Parking at the Garden

Vehicular parking for the garden is available on 22 Avenue SE — the road leading to the Garden’s east gates from the bend where 17 Street SE turns into 20 Street SE… or vice versa.
Angle parking along the school playground fence is “strongly” recommended… but not on the grass, please.
Please do not park in front of the vehicle gate on the east side of the Garden except to temporarily drop off gardening supplies.
Finally, as a “neighbourly consideration”, please DO NOT park alongside the fence of the private property on the south side of the parking lot. Thank you.
Around and about outside the Garden
North Side: School playgrounds Piitoayis Family and Colonel Walker Community School playgrounds are open to the public with the usual conditions that NO DOGS are permitted on the grounds — leashed or otherwise… despite what you might actually see transpiring there.
East Side: 22 Avenue SE and parking The ICG “parking lot” — angle parking near the south side of the school playground fence… but not on the grass, please.
South Side: Parks Calgary and Inglewood Community Association
The green space immediately to the south and east of the ICG is maintained by Parks Calgary.
Adjacent to the Parks Calgary ground the Inglewood Community Association (ICA) is a social, sporting and cultural mainstay of the community.
If you are a resident of the community and you are interested in obtaining a membership to this most worthy of associations check out the following link or contact the ICA office at the northwest corner of their building.
Inglewood Community Association
West Side: Residential Alley Parking restrictions, according to City of Calgary by-laws, can be found in Items 27 of the following document:
Calgary City Traffic Bylaw 26M96
West North West: Dog Walking Parks There are modestly extensive Dog Walking Parks to the west-northwest of the Garden, see above, The Neighbourhood.
Please be advised that the dog walking parks are well attended and that your dog is very likely to encounter other dogs.
Calgary City Dog Walking Bylaws
The Garden Itself

The Garden Itself – with more labels

Procedures in the Garden
As Calgary’s largest contiguous community garden — as far as we know — it often seems that we are managing a small business in the form of a community garden. Consequently we have instituted as many administrative and operational procedures as we have deemed practical and necessary in order — to let “the system” do some of the procedural work — and reduce the workload on the volunteers who run the place.
The Garden’s management, as the vegetation within it, evolves year after year and its sustenance and sustainability are matters of ongoing concern and evaluation by the board of directors.
All of which is to say that, we have tried to make as few rules as possible, tried to keep them simple, tried to make them transparent and try to apply them fairly.
In terms of garden procedures the following documents outline our administration processes — they are linked to relevant documents on our website:
The following pages of this document outline some general considerations we believe help us manage the Garden more effectively: If you think that any aspect of them can be improved or if we have overlooked a process entirely (!?) please discuss your insights with us.
Orientation at the Inglewood Community Garden
In-person Orientation
- An In-Person Orientation will provide practical information regarding the Garden’s resources and will enhance your gardening experience and get you off to a proper start
- An In-Person Orientation will acquaint new gardeners with administrative procedures and protocols
- An In-person Orientation will also serve to confirm your informed consent to the ICG Personal Liability Waiver
- All Gardeners and Volunteers “new” to the Inglewood Community Garden are required to attend an In-person Orientation before planting their bed or working by themselves in the Garden.
- In order to receive your informed consent to the ICG Personal Liability Waiver we require that everyone working or gardening in the ICG be adequately oriented to the ICG’s safety provisions, best garden practice and code of conduct.
The In-person Orientation and ICG Personal Liability Waiver
In order to reduce the potential insurance exposure of the Inglewood Community Garden, its board of directors and the Inglewood Community Association, we require that everyone working in the garden by themselves completes and signs the Inglewood Community Garden Personal Liability Waiver.
The Inglewood Community Garden Personal Liability Waiver cannot infringe upon your statutory rights and it is essential in the sense that it indicates the seriousness with which we treat the well-being of our gardeners and their guests.
In-person Orientation Dates and Times
- Dates and times of orientation sessions will be emailed to all new gardeners and new volunteers
- In-person Orientations typically take less that 30 minutes
As much as the ICG wants the community and Calgary at large to see the Garden as a “destination venue”… well … ongoing health related considerations constrain our open door policy.
Until further notice, “social gatherings” in the Garden will be scheduled — by ICG administration — rather than spontaneous.
The Start of the Gardening Season
Opening Day
- The Garden’s “traditional” official Opening Day for the Gardening Season is APRIL 30
Opening day schedule details will be communicated closer to the start of the season via email, website and social media platforms.
Hours of Operation
There is NO reason to be in the Garden when it’s dark — either before sunrise or after sunset.
Three considerations are used to determine the Garden’s normal hours of operation:
- Safety
- Security
- Common courtesy
- Well, four considerations… if you count:
- common sense
- Well, four considerations… if you count:
Pets in the Garden
ALL PETS must be kept on a “short” lead / leash while in the Garden.
A “short” lead keeps the PET within 1 m or 3 feet of handler or garden bed.
Additional Considerations for Pets in and near the Garden
Please keep in mind that other gardeners may not find your pets as charming or “personable” as you know them to be.
In deciding whether or not to bring your pet to the Garden please consider that the safety and tranquility of your fellow gardeners to be paramount in your determination.
Any pet which disturbs the equilibrium of the Garden will be asked to leave.
There are Dog Walking Parks to the west-northwest of the Garden, see above, The Neighbourhood.
Please be advised that the dog walking parks are quite well attended and that your dog is likely to encounter other dogs.
The pet’s companion is responsible for removing ALL of their pet’s “droppings.”
City of Calgary Bylaws prohibit dogs from school playgrounds… regardless of whatever you may see next door in the Colonel Walker playground.
Garbage and Litter Removal
There is NEITHER garbage collection NOR garbage removal provided by the Garden!
There is NEITHER garbage collection NOR garbage removal provided by the Garden!
There is NEITHER garbage collection NOR garbage removal provided by the Garden!
…just wanted to make sure you know that we mean it.
- Weeds are considered to be garbage and should be removed from the Garden by individual gardeners.
- It is also much appreciated that gardeners’ pick up and remove litter and gardening debris from around and about their own rental bed.
Composting in the Garden
Until we announce a comprehensive composting program, please remove all compostable material from your bed and dispose of it personally.
Thank you.
Supporting the Garden – Contributing Your Time
Why do I have to volunteer to rent a bed!?
In point of fact, you do not have to support the Garden by contributing your time if you want to rent a bed!
Alternatively, you can pay a $75 remittance fee so as not to contribute your physical time.
Otherwise, here are some of the reasons that we require your “voluntary assistance”…
- Because we are a “community” garden and volunteering is one of the things that “community” gardens do…
- Because we need the help…
- Because rental fees do not come close to paying for the required upkeep of the Garden… and the necessary work in the Communal Garden.
- Because 5 hours per bed over 6 months… seems rather reasonable, especially considering that…
- … this time commitment is on a per bed basis not a per gardener basis.
- Therefore, if you are volunteering with a partner… a friend, friends… or a family: well, you get the picture, individual contributions all accumulate to the bed’s total!
- As long as you record them in the Volunteer Log Book, that is.
The Volunteer Log Book can be found in the Communal Garden Shed.
Maintenance of the Garden
We always need help maintaining the Garden — LOTS of help.
- Here are some elemental ways you can help maintain the garden:
- Keep the surroundings of your raised bed free of litter and garden debris.
- Empty and coil up hoses when you’re done with them, see Water in the Garden
- Use tools appropriately and put them back where they belong.
- If you notice something that is in need of repair, please drop us a note.
Rentals in the Garden
The Rental Garden portion of the Garden comprises 121 raised bed wooden boxes.
A standard above ground bed box is 4 feet wide and 12 feet long and 14 1/2 inches tall [Metric: 1,219 mm wide, 3,658 mm long and 368 mm tall].
Renting in the Rental Garden
Rather than recapitulate the fee structure for bed rentals, associated bed data and other rental details here, the interested reader is directed to a detailed discussion of them, which can be found at the following link: Bed Rentals
If you already know that you would like to rent a bed and just want to “cut to the chase” … inquiries regarding the availability of bed rental should be directed to our online contact form, which can be found at the following link: ICG Contact Form
Safety and Well Being in the Garden
DO NOT RELY on the First Aid Kits for a sense of security, rely on your common sense
NEITHER of the First Aid Kits stored in the Garden contain an epinephrine injector
Smoking in the Garden is NOT permitted.
Smoking adjacent to the garden poses a fire hazard due to the normally dry condition of the grass there during summer – please exercise due caution.
Gardeners who smoke in areas adjacent to the garden are obliged to remove their cigarette butts.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are gardeners permitted open flames or fires anywhere in the Inglewood Community Garden!
Health Resources within driving distance of the Garden
The Inglewood Community Garden’s street address
2297 – 17 Street SE T2G 1E7
Nearest Emergency Treatment Centre: Sheldon M. Shumir
1213 – 4 Street SW ~ approximately 4.6 km: 10+ minutes by car (in light traffic)
Nearest Pharmacy: Marshall Drug Store
1231 – 9 Avenue SE ~ approximately 1.6 km: 3 to 5 minutes by car (in light traffic)
Health Considerations in the Garden
First Aid Kits DO NOT contain an epinephrine injector!
The following may help ensure a pleasurable visit to the Garden as opposed to a pleasurable visit to Emergency Care or the local pharmacy:
- Proper clothing – for both heat and cold
- Pay attention to the weather
- Be knowledgeable about the use of the tools
- Exercise appropriate limits to your physical ability
- Sandals and open-toed shoes are a hazard when working in the Garden, especially if you are using hand tools such as shovels, spades or garden forks
You may not be permitted to volunteer in the Garden on behalf of the ICG if you are wearing sandals or open toed shoes — depending upon the task at hand.
First Aid Equipment in the Garden

First Aid Kits DO NOT contain an epinephrine injector!
There are two First Aid Kits stored in the Garden:
- One First Aid Kit is stored in the Tool Shed – on the top shelf immediately on your right as you enter the shed
- The second First Aid Kit is stored in the Communal Garden Shed – on the wall board facing you as you enter the shed.
Please lay the First Aid kits on their backs before opening them — otherwise their contents may spill.
Emergency Water Shut-off in the Rental Garden

- The Emergency Water Shut Off for the Rental Garden is located inside a box set into the ground about 5 metres east of the Tool Shed and 2 metres north of the nearby water stand.
- A metal lid set at ground level must be removed to gain access to the Emergency Water Shut Off valve.
- Use this shut off valve if there is any kind of uncontrollable water flow in the Rental Garden.
- After you have used the Emergency Water Shut Off please contact us as soon as possible via the one of the following:
Phone | 403—829—1947 |
Text | 403—829—1947 | |
Infrastructure in the Garden
As far as community gardens in Calgary go the ICG is… well… the “largest” contiguous community garden in the city.
Due to its physical size, as well as the number of gardeners, volunteers and community service organisations the ICG serves, it needs to contain quite a bit of infrastructure.
The more obvious examples of this infrastructure are the fence, gates, buildings, water stands, hoses, watering cans, bed boxes (above and in-ground) and gardening tools.
It has taken — we do not know how many gardeners and volunteers — since 2003 to establish the infrastructure that exists in the Garden today.
Our “strategic goal” is not to have more infrastructure but to refine and improve the infrastructure we already have.
Please feel free to employ and enjoy the wherewithal which the Garden provides for your gardening endeavours by making use of them in ways which ensure their continued utility.
The Rental Garden and Communal Garden are One Garden

The Rental Garden

In terms of longevity, the Rental Garden is the most well established portion of the Inglewood Community Garden. It was inauguarted in its current location upon its relocation from Victoria Park in 2003.
The Rental Garden occupies approximately 0.43 acre / 0.174 hectare on the north side of the Garden, adjacent to the Colonel Walker Community and Piitoayis Family School playgrounds.

The ICG maintains 121 raised beds in the Rental Garden. The majority of the these beds are available to rent. However, in any one season 6 to 10 of our raised beds are donated to local Community Service Organizations.
108 Standard Beds
• Metric dimensions are: 1.22m X 3.66m x 0.36m or 4.46 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions are: 4′ x 12′ x 14.25″ or 5.3 sq. yds
12 Accessible Beds — taller and narrower for easier access
• Metric Dimensions for beds 106 to 110 are: 0.91m X 3.66m x 0.55m or 3.35 sq. m
• Imperial Dimensions for beds 106 to 110 are: 3′ x 12′ x 21.75″ or 4 sq. yds.
• Metric Dimensions for beds 113 to 118 and 121 are: 1.07m X 3.66m x 0.55m or 3.9 sq. m
• Imperial Dimensions for beds 113 to 118 and 121 are: 3’6″ x 12′ x 21.75″ or 4.67 sq. yds.
For those of you doing the math, yes, there is one more raised bed in the Rental Garden.
Bed #49 is too small to rent and for years Humphrey has been planting it for the school children from Piitoyais Family School next door to enjoy.
• Metric dimensions for Bed #49 are: 1.22m X 3.05m x 0.36m or 3.72 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions for Bed #49 are: 4′ x 10′ x 14.25″ or 4.44 sq. yds
• Thanks, Hump.
The Communal Garden

“Communal gardening” began in the Inglewood Community Garden circa 2007 on a parcel of land 0.388 acre / 0.157 hectare previously the site of a Transport Canada navigation beacon. Transport Canada decommissioned the beacon and ceded the property to the City, who offered it to the Inglewood Community Association who leased it to the Garden Path Society.
Building on the work already done by previous communal gardeners and volunteers, operations in the Communal Garden today focus on three goals:
- To organize available human and material resources efficiently in order to plant, maintain and harvest the produce to fulfil the commitment of our Mission Statement.
- To improve the infrastructure of the Communal Garden so that in each subsequent year there is less time invested in development and maintenance and more time spent gardening.
- To multiply both of the above to maximise the amount of produce we are able to grow for donation to our community partners and distribution to our volunteers.
There are 83 in-ground beds in the Communal Garden. These beds are not for rent.
Dimensions are expressed as: Width x Length or (cumulative) Square Area
Please note that dimensions are supplied for 1 bed, square areas represent the entirety of the planting. These dimensions are correct as of 2020.
52 Beds
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 6.71m or 318.84 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 22′ or 381.33 sq. yd
5 Beds
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 5.79m or 26.48 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 19′ or 31.67 sq. yd
5 Beds
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 5.49m or 25.08 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 18′ or 30 sq. yd
5 Beds
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 4.57m or 20.90 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 15′ or 25 sq. yd
13 Beds — North Fence trellises
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 21.64m or 19.79 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 71′ or 23.67 sq. yd
Potato Patch — east of the Bee Palace
• Metric dimensions: 3.66m X 3.66m or 13.38 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 12′ x 12′ or 16 sq. yd
2 Beds — south side of the Greenhouses
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 7.32m or 6.69 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 24′ or 8 sq. yd
Herb Planters x 2 — adjacent to Tomato Patches on east end
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 1.83m or 3.34 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 6′ or 2 sq. yd
Greenhouses x 2 — minimum estimate
• Metric dimensions: 0.61m X 9.14m or 11.15 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 2′ x 30′ or 13.33 sq. yd
Ancillary Beds
While these beds may not be managed for production — they are all managed by our volunteers …
ICG Volunteers do indeed have it going on!
Dimensions are expressed as: Width x Length or (cumulative) Square Area
Please note that dimensions are supplied for 1 bed, square areas represent the entirety of the planting.
Rental Garden
Nanking Cherry Beds
• Metric dimensions: 0.76m X 18.29m or 13.94 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 2′ 6″ x 60′ or 16.67 sq. yd
Rhubarb Planters x 4
• Metric dimensions: 0.76m X 0.76m or 2.32 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 2′ 6″ x 2′ 6″ or 2.78 sq. yd
Catnip Planters
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 1.98m or 5.43 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 6′ 6″ or 6.50 sq. yd
Floral Plantings — Circle at East Gate
• Metric dimensions — diameter: 5.18m or 21.08 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions — diameter: 17′ or 25.22 sq. yd
Floral Planters x 5 — along East Fence
• Metric dimensions: 0.91m X 1.83m or 8.36 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 3′ x 6′ or 10 sq. yd
Communal Garden
Memorial Rose Beds x 2
• Metric dimensions: 0.61m X 5.49m or 6.69 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 2′ x 18′ or 8 sq. yd
Raspberry Beds
• Metric dimensions: 0.76m X 25.91m or 19.74 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 2′ 6″ x 85′ or 23.61 sq. yd
Saskatoon Beds
• Metric dimensions: 0.76m X 27.43m or 20.90 sq. m
• Imperial dimensions: 2′ 6″ x 90′ or 25 sq. yd
Garden Gates

Gates — walls work better with them.
- All of the gates have combination locks.
- Lock icons: Green means that gardeners and volunteers will be provided the combination and Red, they will not.
- If you are delivering bags of soil, compost or other personal gardening materials please feel free to park in front of the East Vehicle Gate temporarily and make use of the wheel barrows to move your materials from the parking lot into the garden.
- Please close the gate behind you whenever you use them. You do not need to lock them, simply latch them — so long as there is someone else in the Garden.
If you are the last person to leave the Garden, please make sure to lock the gate or gates, as the case may be.
Garden Buildings

There are four sheds, two green houses and a Porta-Potty inside the Garden’s fence.
IF there is a lock on the Porta-Potty the combination will be the same as for the locks on the publicly accessible gates. [see Garden Gates]
Water in the Garden
Water for the Inglewood Community Garden is supplied by the City of Calgary Parks Department
Thank you — City of Calgary Parks Department!
BE CAREFUL! Water pressure in the Garden is very high!
If you have not already done so please have a look at Emergency Water Shut-off in the Rental Garden.
- Always hold and point the hose nozzle away from yourself and others when turning it on.
- Once you are finished watering please drain water from the hose, then close the nozzle, roll the hose up, and store
Hose Etiquette
- When you have finished using a hose,
- Drain water from it
- Return it to the water stand and turn the nozzle OFF, unless…
- … another gardener asks to use the hose after you are finished, in which case it will be up to them to replace the hose on the water stand.
To make it easier to roll up a hose:
- Leave the nozzle OPEN a trickle
- Turn off the water at the tap
- Now, as you pull the hose toward the water stand, it will become emptier, more flexible and easier to handle
REMEMBER to turn the nozzle OFF once you have DRAINED and replaced the hose
Water in the Rental Garden

There are 4 water stands in the Rental Garden. They share common – if slightly varying – components.
In general gardeners need only concern themselves with these two parts of the water stands:
• C — the valve stem shut off
• E — the hose shut off
In general there is NO REASON for gardeners to attempt to remove the valve stem from the in-ground supply socket. In fact, because of the high water pressure in the system and consequent personal safety concerns this is ACTIVELY DISCOURAGED!
If you have not already done so please have a look at Emergency Water Shut-off in the Rental Garden.

Water in the Communal Garden

- There are 5 water stands in the Communal Garden.
- Hand watering in the Communal Garden is particularly necessary at the beginning of the growing season and frequently thereafter.
Well, well, well…
- Actually there are only 2 wells in the Communal Garden. These are “ground water sample wells” and do not provide any usable water… just thought that you’d like to know.
Maintenance Shed

The Maintenance Shed was formerly used primarily for power tool storage.
Nowadays, any of the teams or crews whose projects require power tools or “special” hand tools will be given access to the equipment on the day they’re required.
Storage Shed

Shed or Container?
Either way, a space to store things that do not usually pertain to day to day gardening, such as tables, marquees and other oddments.
Communal Garden Shed

The Communal Garden Shed contains (amongst many other things)…
- A First Aid Kit :: ICG First Aid Kits DO NOT contain an epinephrine injector!
- Volunteer Log Book
- Sacking, cardboard sheets, row cover, sheets (cloth and plastic), stacks of newspaper and magazines, potting trays and cups
- Hand tools: trowels
- Weigh Scales: used to record harvests (to be donated or for volunteers)
- Gloves: pairs, mismatched and unaccompanied
- Folding tables
Tools such as shovels, hoes, rakes and spade forks can be found in the wooden locker on the north side of the Communal Garden Shed.

There are two greenhouses near the centre of the Garden.
Typically the greenhouses have been used to acclimatize seedlings in Spring and then to grow any variety of indoor plants depending upon the Communal Garden Planting Plan for that year.
Tool Shed

The Tool Shed contains gardening implements for use in by gardeners.
- A First Aid Kit (First Aid Kits DO NOT contain an epinephrine injector!)
- Hand tools such as trowels, shovels, rakes
- A limited number of construction tools: hammer, screw drivers, pliers
- Gardening miscellany such as gloves, twine, garbage bags, etc.
Returning tools to their proper places and attempting to maintain a modicum of order will go a long way to help keep the shed organized. Thank you.
Mulch Store and Bulk Drop-off

The Mulch Store / Bulk Drop Off zone is located in the communal garden where the west side vehicle gateway opens onto the garden.
The size of the piles stored here waxes and wanes and depending upon the constituent composition of the mulch can be surprisingly and pleasantly odiferous in hot weather.
The mulch stored in this location has already been allocated to one project or another in the garden and, as such, is NOT available upon demand to the gardening public.
However, if you are in need of mulch please do not hesitate to contact the Garden and we shall see if an adequate supply can be arranged for you.

Please help to keep the Porta-Potty as clean and tidy as possible: Thank you.
Where to find more information
ICG Website | |
Events Calendar | |
All Inquiries | | |
| |
Bulletin Board | Exterior west wall of the Maintenance Shed |
The authors, on behalf of the Inglewood Community Garden, would like to thank the following:
- The Victoria Park Gardeners who started the Victoria Park Community Garden and then physically moved it to Inglewood in 2003.
- The Garden Path Society of Calgary for establishing, developing and maintaining the Garden.
- Parks Calgary for their unstinting support from our very beginning in 2003!
- The Inglewood Community Association for being such an exemplary neighbour.
- The hundreds of volunteers who have developed the Inglewood Community Garden.
- The Community of Inglewood for being the Best Neighbours and the Best Neighbourhood in Canada! … officially in 2014 but in our hearts and minds – every day!
- The serially indefatigable Boards of Directors and cadres of fiercely dedicated volunteers who have maintained the Inglewood Community Garden.
- The local community service organisations whose partnerships help define what the ICG’s role as a truly “community” garden has come to be.